Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Free write 4?

In west philidelphia born and raised on the playground is where i spend most of my days. chillin out maxin` relaxin` all cool and all shootin` some b ball outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good. started causin` trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said your movin` with your auntie and uncle in bel air. I whislted for a cab and when It came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I scould say that this cab is something but I thoght naw forget it. Yo homes tyo bel Air! I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo homes, smell you later" looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel AIr. BOOYAH! now you know the lyrics to the fresh prince of bell  Air. Save maybe one word that I didnt know. That show is so iconic for a 90`s kid, and it is incredibly hard to find one who doesnt know it. If you do find a 90`s kid that doesnt know this song, it is a crime punishable by death. Maybe not, but they will be banned from society! well, maybe not, but they WILL carry the tiitle of epic loser for all eternity...or at least until they die. Hey!...maybe it is punishable by death after all. What a happy ending. O, my hand hurts now. please tell us to stop writing.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Free write 3

hey what do you know im totoally free writing again. Im stupid exhausted and all I want to do is sleep. I almostwrecked twice on the way to class. partly becacuse perople are retarded, and partly because I fell asleep at a light. I know I really shouldnt drive when Im this tired but what the eff am I suposed to do about it. I dont know why I even asked that question. Typing is really difficult for me lately because I have been haveing this weird thing where my hands shake and i drop stuff, or cant pick things uop right. I hope its nothing serious. I would be Disapointed if i got one of those silly ndegernerative nerve diseases or something. I think my life would end. Dramatic!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Free Write 2

im suposed to be free writing and i started late. I was waiting for someone to saY GO. AND THAT DIDNT HAPPEN. so, anyways battlestar galactica rocks my face of, and i really want to dress up as one of the charaters at some point, maybe halloween. but this year im going to dress as a porcelan doll for halloween. It suits me perfectsly. ive had numerouspeople tell me my skin looks like porcelean. My former coworker als called me her porcelean doll. kind creepy, but I guess thats what you get when you avoid the siun and hev pasty white skin. one thing is for sure, ill lookk much better that those orange girls running around when im older, tanning agaes people so much. speaking of looking good when youre older whats wrong with just a wee bit of botox when im 50?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Harrison Bergeron

Kurt Vonnegut is the author of the essay “Harrison Bergeron”, an outrageous story about a futuristic world where everyone is equal and required by law to alter their selves if they are above average. Although this is an entertaining story, Vonnegut is suggesting that people are persuaded into thinking that the handicaps are needed, even though they affect people negatively. The author tells that George Bergeron must wear a handicap radio in his ear that makes a startling sound every few seconds to keep him from being more intelligent than others. However, Vonnegut writes that the sound in Georges` ear was “such a doozy that George was white and trembling, and tears stood on the rims of his red eyes.” (294) When Georges` wife notices he is not feeling well she suggests that he take off his handicap for a short time, in which case George replies saying “If I tried to get away with it, then other people`d get away with it and pretty soon we`d be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else. You wouldn`t like that would you?” (295) In essence Vonnegut is expressing that even though George is affected negatively, he still insists on wearing his handicap because he believes it is the law, and for the better of humanity.

A case of assited suicide

Those Silly Double Standards “A Case of Assisted Suicide” is an essay written by Jack Kevorkian in which the author narrates the first use of his Mercitron machine on a patient. Kevorkian is simply telling a story about his first assisted suicide, he is also bringing to light some of the double standards in the medical field. Kevorkian mentions is that he himself is criticized for assisting a patient in suicide after knowing them only two days, however the author explains”When a doctor refers a patient for surgery, in many cases the surgical specialist performs his ultimate duty after personal acquaintance with the patient from a mere hour or two of prior consultation”(320) and “It is absurd even to imply, let alone to protest outright that a medical specialists competence an ethical behavior are contingent upon some sort of time interval, imposed arbitrarily or by fiat”(320). The author also explains that while he is criticized for executing the procedure in a “rusty old van” people do not have the same qualms about places people are born, as they do where the die, and that the event is more important than the setting (320). In essence, Kevorkian shows his specialty has lead to many double standards, and criticisms in the medical field.196

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mlaka Baran Testimony

In this video Malka Baran is giving her testimony of her experience of the Holocaust. Malka was born in Warsaw Poland, but grew up in a town nearby called Transtataulva with her mother, father, and younger brother. She describes her life before the occupation, and conveys that after the occupation life was not that much different at first, but then her freedoms were slowly taken away, and people started disappearing. She recalls the morning that everything changed. SS officers forced all the Jewish families out of their homes and lined them up on the street. The officers then ordered the people to start marching, and as they did there were officers selecting people and separating them into two groups. Her mother was separated from her, her father, and brother and she never saw her again. Malka later learned that the group her mother was in was sent to Treblanka, and her mother was killed. The group Malka and the remainder of her family were in were sent to a small ghetto. Malka tells that she has amnesia of the period of time that she lived in the small ghetto, until she was sent to a labor camp. Malka, her father, and brother all worked while living in the ghetto, but at some point they never returned. She was told later they had been shot. The Germans started to liquidate the ghetto some time after the death of her brother and father, and she was then sent to a labor camp to work in a metal factory. She was placed in an all female barrack in which hundreds of Jewish women lived. She remained at the camp until liberation. Malka illustrates her memory of the liberation and said “one morning the German supervisors left and didn’t come back… We were so conditioned that we did not try to budge or move even though we were alone, not supervised. Until a young Jewish man ran into the hall and shouted ‘you are free, go out the Germans are running away’”.After the liberation Malka lived with her friends for a time. She was orphaned, and had no family. She had become extremely passive and empty, and was unable to make her own decisions. She moved place to place with a friend working, and trying to survive. When Malka describes her traveling and being displaced she says “Every year on my birthday I was somewhere different”.

Ursula Levy testimony

The woman being interviewed in this video is Ursula Levy, a Jewish woman and a survivor of the Holocaust. She was born in Asulaberk Germany, May 11th 1935. Her father was captured during Kristallnacht, and passed away due to exposure to cold temperatures . After Kristallnacht Ursula`s mother, Lucia sent her and her brother George to live in a convent for children in Holland because she felt that it was not safe for them to stay. Ursula lived at the convent four years before the Nazis` invaded Holland in 1943. Officers came to take Jewish children to a concentration camp including Ursula and her brother. Ursula was separated from her brother at first. A friend from the convent, Mr. Vanmagnenburg came to visit her in the camp and suggested to Nazi officers that her and her brother didn’t look Jewish, and their father was Catholic and lived in American. These suggestions made the officers question their status, and Ursula and George were moved to special area. In 1944 Ursula and her brother were moved to a special camp in Holland called Bagnenbelsen. Because the Nazis` believed they might be able to use them as leverage against the Allies they were given small amounts of food daily. In 1945 they were given an injection and put on a train. When recalling this memory Ursula said “The train would stop sometimes for days and we would get out and we would have been able to escape, but we never thought of escaping. This is how we had lost the ability to plan, to reason. We just always went back to the train”. While on the train she heard people shouting, and saw that it was Russian soldiers. Ursula expressed her feelings and said “ It was such an experience to be free, to have survived, but at the same time it was sad because originally there were 2,600 people on the train, by the time we left Troiblitz there were 600”. Ursula and her brother were homeless until they went to live with her aunt and uncle in Chicago. Ursula sought professional help to help her deal with the death of her mother, and her experiences during the Holocaust.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Film Unfinished Summary

“A Film Unfinished” is a documentary about a film found a decade after world war two in a concrete vault in a wooded area containing the remainder of Nazi propaganda. The subject of the film is the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw Poland. Although this film is assumed to be Nazi propaganda, the true purpose of the film is unclear because it is unfinished. The film had no opening or ending credits, and the title on the box that held in simply said “The Ghetto”. The scenes shot for this film ranged greatly between rich poor, staged and not staged, daily life and special occasions, color and non color. The different social classes in the ghetto were captured in this film. The upper class scenes were usually staged by actors and it conveyed that there were Jews still living comfortable lives with all the luxuries they had before. Meanwhile, the lower class Jews were filmed begging for money, sifting through garbage, and were usually not staged. The condition of the poor Jews was appalling and shocking. There were many people dying, and they were placed on the sidewalk until they could be picked up. The deceased Jews were taken to the cemetery to be placed in a mass grave. The daily life of the Jews is shown by scenes of people trading, purchasing food, and their means of transportation. The Jewish people were expected to participate in many Jewish rituals, and events for the film such as a circumcision, a funeral, and parties thrown by the upper class, however some of them were not accurate Jewish practices. The intent of the film is thought to be to show folk Jewish culture, and also that the ghettos were an acceptable place for the Jews to live, but the true purpose remains a mystery.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On Dumpster Diving Response Essay

Response Essay Clever Title The essay “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner charmingly and eloquently describes a period in the author`s life when he is homeless. While Eighner illustrates the strategies of dumpster diving, he also conveys that there are codes of ethics and social rules, even in the lowest social classes. The author briefly mentions other scavengers and companions, but it is evident they have consideration for others. Eighner explains, “But it is common practice to set aside surplus items…”(261) and “A true scavenger hates to see good stuff go to waste, and what he cannot use he leaves in good condition in plain sight” (261). The author portrays that he has regard for people outside of the scavenging class. Eighner exemplifies his own consciousness of others when he writes “I have never placed a bogus order to increase the supply of pizzas…” as he refers to scavenging a dumpster owned by a pizza restaurant (Eighner 256). In conclusion, the ethics and social rules of both an individual and a group of scavengers are made apparent by the author, if only mentioned in a handful of sentences. Works Cited Eighner, Lars. "On Dumpster Diving." Power of Language/Language of Power. Second ed. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-24. Print. Custom Edision for Ozarks Technical Community College.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hello! My name is Courtney Gaunt. I am 23 years old and I live here in Springfield. I was supposed to be getting married in December, but now I am not. Oddly enough we decided we were just best friends masquerading as Lovers, so we called it off. I do not have any children that I am aware of, and I don`t think I will acquire any in the future. So, I`m pretty much rocking the single life. I work full time, and I obviously attend OTC where I am attempting to get an associates of science in biology. After i graduate from OTC I plan on continuing school, and one day getting my phd. I would love to get a degree in experimental psychology, or neurobiology. I love to study the physiology of the brain, and cognitive abilities. In my spare time I like to be around friends. I absolutely love to laugh, and I`m rarely serious about anything. Another "passion" of mine is scifi. I LOVE scifi; Doctor Who, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica are some of my favorites. I also enjoy comics/graphic novels a lot. I `m more of a Marvel than a DC though. If you see me around campus, or anywhere really, I will probably be wearing a dress, or look dressed up. It`s the girliest thing I do, but I can`t help it, I love dresses. Its kinda weird but, whatever. Anyways, I suppose that`s about it.

Free Write 8/23

Oh god, I have no idea what im going to say. I dont type well at all so this will probably make me look retarded. o well. So the only think i can think of to do is go on about something I enjoy. JOSS WHETON!!! hes awesome. he is an amazing writer and director. Firefly is my favorite show ever, he wrote the series and I believe he directed most of thee episodes as well. Our mrs. renolds is my favorite episode. its hilarious and captures everything good aboutr each character. He also wrote Buffy, which might have been his most  popular show. Its pretty cheesy now but it rocked in the 90`s. Someone once made a comment thaT BUFFY WAS ONLY A GOOD SHOW BECAUSE THE DIALOUGE WAS SO great. In response Joss had written an enitre episode where for some reason NO one could speak, so there were no words (obviously) and it was one of his best episodes for that show. Im also a fan of DOllhouse which is another show Joss wrote. One of my favorite things ever so far though is the Avengers movie. I cried during the previews I was so excited. I love marvel comics, especially Ironman, and I have been a huge fan ofJOss for a long time so when I found out he was directing the movie I was Psyced! He did amazing, He is known for writing great dialouge, and big ountourages so ...ya